The 28th edition of the Mini Beach-Volleyball tournament will as usual take place during the Montreux Volley Masters on Tuesday June 6th, Wednesday June 7th, Thursday June 8th and Friday June 9th 2017, from 1:00pm to 4:30pm.

The games will take place on the beach-volleyball facility (sand and grass) on the “Pierrier Plage" in Clarens, right next to the competition hall.

School teams or clubs can participate in one of these tournaments for the price of CHF 10.- per team. Each participant will receive a ticket for the first game of the Montreux Volley Masters (4:30pm), and a souvenir prize.

The main goals of these tournaments are: discovery, the pleasure of playing outside and emphasize the educational value of the volleyball game. It’s also an opportunity to meet the world's best players.

In case of bad weather, a backup solution will be implemented.

Registration until 7th May 2017. Since we can receive only 72 teams per day, registrations will be accepted on a “first come, first served” basis.

More information is available from the organizers:

Paul De Micheli
+41 79 247 71 10
(par email :


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